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Alumni Spotlight – Colorado State University

10 Mar 2021
Category: Blog
Author: David Vidri

Sophie Seymour – Colorado State University 2017

The Arrive team is made up of a variety of individuals who come from amazing universities all across the country. We sat down with Sophie Seymour, Business Development Manager, to hear more about her experience at Colorado State University and her path to Arrive. 

What was your path to Arrive? 

I majored in supply chain management at Colorado State University and graduated in 2017. I grew up in Fort Collins, not far from school, so after graduation I was ready to get out of the area. I quickly decided to pursue supply chain management while taking a freshman course that explains all the business degrees that you can receive. At the time, supply chain management was the newest degree, and it sounded the most interesting so I went with it. At this point I’ve been with Arrive for nearly four years and have never looked back or regretted the decision I made.

What is your advice for current college students?

A degree in supply chain is awesome if you enjoy it and is a very smart decision because it’s always going to be here. Someone will need to transport goods forever, making job security amazing which is very important while trying to find a job in this day and age. I ended up getting job offers from a couple logistics brokerages, and at first, I wasn’t sure which to accept. The moment I walked into Arrive, the decision became clear to me, and I instantly felt at home. The team atmosphere and the people at Arrive made the decision super easy for me. So, I guess my other advice would be to find a professional setting that makes you feel at home. 

How has COVID-19 impacted your work experience?

I had been with Arrive for four years, and the office was always very full and vibrant. Because of COVID-19, we needed to switch to a work from home, and it really seemed like an impossible task with all the jobs that have to be done at Arrive. While not being in the office, we’ve had to focus a lot on improving communication and honing in on our teamwork with the other departments. Even with the transition though, Arrive has done extremely well at keeping spirits up. Game nights, free lunch Fridays and a lot of other fun stuff is still happening. Yes, the transition was hard but we are making the most of it. 

What keeps you here?

First, I’m so bought into the people here. There are parts of any job you’re not going to love, but my team believes in each other so much. I’ve made so many friends in the company. Second, there is really awesome career growth. I started as a sales representative; was promoted to coaching; and then a manager. There’s just so much mobility to expand your career than in a traditional corporate job. Lastly, the job security in this industry is really good as there will always be a need for transport. 

What are important qualities to have for a job at Arrive? 

If you want to be in sales, you really have to be very competitive and very money motivated. There are other positions for those who aren’t those things, but you have to be ready to learn and be tossed into challenging situations no matter what title you hold here. 

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