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Alumni Spotlight – Purdue University

09 Feb 2022
Category: Blog
Author: David Vidri
Nick Luker – Purdue University 2021

The talented team at Arrive Logistics is made up of a variety of individuals who come from outstanding universities across the country. We sat down with Nick Luker, Business Development Representative, to learn more about his path from Purdue University to Arrive.

Where did you go to school and what did you study?

I attended Purdue University and studied Marketing and Management at the Krannert School of Business. 

How did you first hear about Arrive?

I first heard about Arrive through a few friends from my hometown in Indiana who worked here and had great things to say about Arrive and Austin in general. I applied online and a recruiter reached out to me. Before I knew it, I was packing my bags and moving to Austin without ever stepping foot in Texas before. I was nervous, but I have loved every minute so far and it turned out to be a great decision. 

How did you become interested in going into the logistics industry?

I knew the logistics industry was fast-paced and changing every day. It sounded exciting to me to be able to work with so many different types of people and have opportunities to make a good living. I love the fact that I could be on the phone talking to a truck driver with a deep southern accent one minute, and then be on a call with the head of procurement for a multi-billion dollar business the next minute. I enjoy doing sales because there is no ceiling and always room to grow. 

What’s your favorite part of your job?

My favorite part of my job at Arrive is the tools at my disposal. The software that we have developed is fantastic as well as the support I have from my managers and the rest of my team. I feel like I have created some very genuine friendships with almost every member of my team and feel like I can lean on them with any issue I may have. 

What keeps you at Arrive? 

The work environment is what has kept me at Arrive and given me confidence that I won’t be leaving anytime soon. The people around me are so enthusiastic to come to work every day and push me in a very positive way to do my best. I have made a lot of mistakes as anybody does when starting a new job, but the way those mistakes have been handled has allowed me to learn from each one and continue to grow every day. The people around me are the reason for that and the reason Arrive has done so well. My managers as well as my teammates genuinely care about my progress and growth which gives me the drive to work hard and impress them. 

Have any advice for soon-to-be college grads?

No one has life figured out. I remember being so scared to leave college and start a real professional career. I wanted to hold on to what was familiar forever. I have come to realize that post-grad life is actually amazing. It is nice to be a part of something real and not be forced to take irrelevant classes. It is also nice to be able to support yourself financially and become truly independent. I feel like entering post-grad life has given me the ability to know myself better and focus on the things I really care about. 

If you could go back in time and tell your college self one thing, what would it be?

I would tell myself not to stress about the future so much and enjoy the time I had. College is truly a time that is different than anything else you will experience and I think I spent too much time stressing about grades and other issues rather than just appreciating the fact that I was able to even be in college. Not everyone gets that opportunity and I am very grateful that I was able to attend a great school that I loved. I remember stressing so hard about things that I look back on now and realize they were minor issues in the grand scheme of things. 

For someone about to start a career in sales and logistics, what would you tell them? 

I would tell them to be personable! If people like to work with you and talk to you, then you will do much better than someone who can’t hold a conversation. I think you have to realize that the people you do business with are just like you. They are real people and respond better to real conversation than a script or some sales pitch. One of my managers always says the sequence of landing business is “like you, trust you, use you,” which I have found to be true. If you have the skills to build solid relationships then logistics is a great industry to get into. I would also add that being well organized is one of the most important traits to have in this business and one that I am still working on. Everything is so fast-paced you really need to pay close attention to detail. 

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