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Alumni Spotlight – State University of New York at Oneonta

11 May 2017
Category: Blog
Author: David Vidri

Dylan Stamile – SUNY  2016

Where did you go to school?
I attended the State University of New York at Oneonta. While attending Oneonta I was a two year captain of the mens baseball team, and participated in several other campus organizations such as Student Senate, and the Student Athlete Advisory Council. Balancing out several different organizations in college is something that I feel has been key in preparing me for life after college. By handling a busy weekly schedule and working to manage my time, I could do each thing I was involved in to the best of my ability.

How did you find Arrive?

My story with how I first heard of Arrive is pretty funny.  A few years ago when I was visiting my family in Austin for Winter Break, I went to to meet up with my sister and a few of her friends. I met a bunch of guys that had just moved to Austin from Chicago to start a Logistics company. At that time, I’d assume there were probably less than 10 employees working for Arrive. A few years later after moving out to Austin I ran into Duke, EVP of Customer Sales, and we were talking about the position and the rest is history from there.

What keeps you here?

Being a former college athlete, this job has a very competitive feel to it which makes these days fly by. Every second of the day there is an opportunity to make money. Nick Smith said to us on our first day with him “the more coins you put in the game, the more likely you are to win a prize.” Which is something that has stuck with me. I really enjoy working around a group of  people that are hungry for success everyday, which has set a great example for me out of college.  I remember in my interview, when I was on the floor shadowing a couple of the reps, feeling extremely overwhelmed initially watching everyone on their computers, phones, etc. doing multiple different things at once at such a fast pace. After working for Arrive the last 3 months and thinking back to the day I shadowed, I feel a lot of satisfaction seeing what I’m capable of doing. Just by coming in and working hard, listening to my management, and trying to take advice from tenured reps, I am implementing what they tell me in my own way. Also, I love the environment. It’s nice knowing that you have owners and managers that understand the hard work you put in by doing various different things to show their appreciation, such as happy hours, lunch on Fridays, and multiple other things. It’s been a fun ride so far and I’m looking forward to seeing what’s to come in the future for Arrive.

Have any advice for soon to be college grads?

My best advice would just be to keep a positive mindset. Not everyone has an easy time finding a job out of college and a lot of people don’t love their first job out of college. This is the point in your life that you have the ability to set the tone for the rest of your career by coming into work everyday with a strong work ethic and by making the most of each opportunity that is given to you.

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